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Some further sound changes in the languages of the Baining family

Marc Hausdorf; visualisation by Melanie Schippling

Of course, there have been many more sound changes in the development of the various Baining languages. Have a look at the examples of the following table and see whether you can spot some of them.

Sound law (see below) Mali Ura Kairak Qaqet
1 duraik ‘chickens’ durac ‘chickens’ durec ‘chickens’ duraik ‘chickens’
1 naik ‘drink’ nac ‘drink’ nec ‘drink’  
2 dul ‘stones’ dui ‘stones’ dul ‘stones’ dul ‘stones’
2 tal ‘carry, bear’ ta ‘take, bear’ tal ‘get’ tal ‘carry’
3 qulim ‘noses’ qulim ‘noses’ qorim ‘noses’ qərim ‘noses’
3 vuleqa ‘grandson’   vəreqa ‘grandson’ vriqa ‘cousin’