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A longitudinal project such as this would not have been possible without a large team behind it. In Cologne, this included:

As well as a large number of student assistants:

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  • Patrick Jahn
  • Katrin Obersteiner, Lena Pointner, and Gianna Urbanczik
  • Gianna Urbanczik and Janet Bachmann
  • Katherine Walker and Medea Menzel
  • Anne Wiesner
  • Katrin Obersteiner and Janet Bachmann
  • Miyuki Henning

In Papua New Guinea, this project is supported and sustained by the incredible efforts of the people of Raunsepna, Lamarain and Kamanakam.

211 Qaqet are currently involved in the project, or have been involved in the past (116 adults and 95 children): they participate in audio and video recordings, they transcribe and translate the recordings, they work with us on a dictionary and a grammar, they never tire of explaining their language and culture to us, they organize and host the project, and they have become colleagues and friends in the process.

Paul Alin and Lucy Nguingi from Raunsepna.